The Heart of Orion

$45.00 - $505.00

The winter night skies brings out so much beauty it's hard to see all of it. There are so many beautiful nebulae such as this one in the constellation of Orion.
If you have seen the constellation of Orion in the winter skies you have seen Orions three star belt along with the three "stars" that come down making his sword. This nebula, M42, the Great Orion Nebula looms in the darkness with some amazing beauty. Right below is the Running Man nebula in it's cool blue hues. You might just see the running man if you tip it to the side.
This picture of the Orion Nebula was taken using a tracking mount and about 35 minutes of data through the long exposures to capture this beautiful detail.
This is a nursery that is making new stars, suns and planets as you gaze into the huge gas clouds. You can see the bright stars on the lower right of the big gas clouds which is called the Trapezium. This is full of new baby stars so to speak. This giant star nursery and is huge. It covers the area of our solar system and much more than that. We cannot fathom just how large this nursery is but it's making new stars along with an infinite number of birthplaces of the new suns as I write this.
Taken with a Takahashi Temma II 400 tracking mount and shot with a Takahashi E180 Epsilon Astrograph with a little more than half hour of exposure data to bring out the beautiful detail in the gas clouds.
Not as impressive as a Jack Webb space telescope picture but hey for being on a low budget it isn't half bad.
Please enjoy and thank you all!